
BACA does not officially recommend, support, or guarantee the work or performance of any listed individual or organization; the information is provided solely as a convenience to residents.

Please comment to add a recommendation or review.

Maid Pro
Recommendation in August 2015 from BACA Facebook by Ilana Boivie: We use Maid Pro. They are reliable, do a decent job, and relatively affordable.

Dolly’s Cleaning Service
Recommendation in August 2015 from BACA Facebook by Lily Roo: We use Dolly’s Cleaning Service, they are family owned, meticulous, and do a fantastic job.

Possibly Still in Business

Silvia Torrico
cell: 703-485-5679
Prior recommendation by Emily from Truxton Circle: highly recommended,  she is courteous, affordable and good with pets.

(Last Bloomingdale post from 2011, plus other cleaning recommendations:

Idalia Sandoval
Prior recommendation from Caryn:  I’ve used her for almost two years now and can’t do without her. She’s very trustworthy and very sweet.  And does a great job cleaning the house. Update May 2010 – Idalia and Claudia, her sister, still clean my house and are excellent.

Lucy Morales
Prior recommendation from Eckington listserv:  Our  fabulous housekeeper of many years has availability in her schedule 1 or more days a week. She is thorough and hardworking, honest and reliable.  She is also a first-class Mexican chef, and has done the cooking for many events I’ve held at my place.  If you or someone who could use her services, please email me at:  or leave a message for her.

Olga Diaz
Prior recommendation from Colleen: Olga is a reliable, thorough cleaning lady with great prices and an impeccable list of references. If TRUST and A SPOTLESS house are important to you, this is your lady!

Question, comment, or suggestion?