Thank You ANC!!! Tree Box Beautification is a Success

Thanks to Anita Bonds, the ANC Grant, Pete Balas (lead organizer), our neighors that came out, CSOSA, and YouthBuild, over 550 plants now beautify our neighborhood. Over 50 boxes on P ST NW, 3rd ST, 4th ST, Bates ST and First ST were beautified. Here are some pictures.

Flower Power ‘09 proceeds, we were able to donate flowering trees to the neighborhood. Keep an eye out for the new crape myrtles, redbuds, and Franklinia that were also planted throughout the neighborhood.

The event started at 6am with a wake up call that Pete received from Home Depot to inform him that the flowers and soil were being delivered at 6:30am and not 8am as scheduled. Pete woke some of us (thanks Pete) and Margaret who was walking her dog, jumped into action to unload the delivery trucks.

7 thoughts on “Thank You ANC!!! Tree Box Beautification is a Success

  1. And courtesy of Flower Power ’09 proceeds, we were able to donate flowering trees to the neighborhood. Keep an eye out for the new crape myrtles, redbuds, and Franklinia on our streets, which will put on a show starting in the spring!

  2. I love it. All the trees and flowers planted yesterday sure are being watered nicely. So what’s our next big project? My back and shoulder aches from yesterday are gone now.

  3. It felt great participating in this event. Thanks to all the neighbors who came out. We are all so blessed and fortunate to live in a community that cares and does things to improve our surroundings. Thanks also for the delicious burgers and dogs.
    Maurice 1504 1st

  4. I had a wonderful time planting. Isn’t it amazing what a little PRIDE in the neighborhood can do! I’m looking forward to painting the corner store a lovely color to accent the wondeful flowers!

  5. Great job, you guys! Can’t wait to walk around and see your work up close. Someone asked, what next? I’d love it if we could tackle NJ Ave. next. It’s a grand street with a view of the capitol and looks so gorgeous with the fall colors, but the treeboxes are mostly neglected. I’d tackle the box in front of my house myself, but I lack the skills and confidence to do so. I’d love to see a gardening gang descend on our street to help give us the push we need to give our grand old trees the respect they deserve.

    1. Hi AK, I know Lonna on NJ Ave had signed up for her tree box on the last event. What would be great would be for you to galvanize the folks on NJ Ave to sponsor their own tree boxes for the next event. That is truly the part that’s more important is taking care of hte boxes after the planting (especially watering).
      You are right. it is a beautiful street.

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